Furniture DesignS-CUBE simply took the 3mm cardboard to the next level. It inherited a regular box shape, then pushed from one side to create multifunction: a stool, a child’s seat, and steps. The sheet of cardboard is precisely cut by CNC machine and folded into polygon blocks, and turn
S-CUBE into a strong yet light-weight structure. Colorful leather adds a touch of playfulness to the child’s chair.
這一切都是由一個不起眼的紙箱開始的。試著將立方體推往一方,形成較適合人體工學的形狀,原本單調的紙箱將變身為適合大人的矮凳,小孩的座椅,並能充當家用小階梯。雖然一般概念裡, 紙好像不太堅固, 但在精準的 CNC 電腦切割下,我們將一片片的瓦楞紙組合成多邊形錐體,將 S-CUBE 改造成輕巧且能受重力的結構。在小朋友座椅處,貼心的加上了不同顏色的皮革,讓觸感更好,並將平凡無奇的瓦楞板紙箱變身有許多作用的視覺焦點。
- Client Taiwan Designers Week
- Year 2011
- Award A'Design Gold